
Executive Function in the Birth to Five Population

Executive Function in the Birth to Five Population

The birth to five period in childhood is critical for the foundational development of the executive function system. How children interact with and experience the world around them significantly impacts how their executive function system develops. This LIVE presentation examines what executive function development looks like in this early childhood period and ways to support its development.

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Working Memory & Language

Working Memory & Language

The working memory system is a short-term retention and operating system that is critical to all learning, including language development. This LIVE presentation will highlight two key aspects of the working memory system (verbal and nonverbal working memory), the significance each aspect plays in childhood language development, language deficits that may arise when impairments in working memory are present, and ways to support working memory in therapy sessions and classrooms.

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Executive Function & Academic Considerations

Executive Function & Academic Considerations

This LIVE presentation focuses on the considerations that schools need to factor into intervention for a child with executive function needs, including what tasks drain the EF battery the most, the problem of urgency, the impact of computer use on executive function, accommodations versus intervention, and quick changes that schools can make today that make a big difference in a child's executive function ability.

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Executive Function 101

Executive Function 101

A 1-hour introduction to executive function and its foundational role in the learning process. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of the executive function system and its foundational components of perception, attention, and working memory, as well as action items that can be implemented in therapy sessions, classrooms or at home immediately.

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